
Another of Ben’s interests is that of studying his family’s genealogy.

On this page you will find links and references to all of the publications Ben has produced on his family history and genealogy…


A History of the Rothwells of Bunclody

Looking at the History of the Rothwells of Bunclody, County Wexford, Ireland, this publication traces the Rothwell family as far back as 1780 and right up to 2000AD.

Containing references to the Deacons, Jacobs, Powers, McCuthcheons, Moultons and Levingstones this book uses numerous sources for information and presents the family history in a clear and concise format useful for anyone related to any of these families or who is interested in this family’s history.

23 responses

  1. Tanya W

    How do I buy the book above?

    February 2, 2012 at 1:23 am

    • Dear Tanya,

      Many thanks for getting in touch.

      My name is Kevin and I manage Ben’s site for him.

      According to my diary Ben and I are hoping to be meeting up in the next couple of days and so I will tell him of your search for information in respect of your great, great, grandfather James Rothwell’s Parents.

      In respect of the book you asked for, I have checked my files and note that this particular book is not on file with me which means that it is in the queue to be edited and converted so that it can be downloaded from this site. Please accept my apology for this but this site is fairly new and Ben and I are working through his books. But I will of course speak to Ben about the possibility of getting a copy for you.

      Sorry I can’t offer anything more concrete right away but please be assured that this will be dealt with as soon as possible.

      Once again, many thanks for getting in touch.
      Kind Regards


      February 2, 2012 at 11:30 am

    • Peter Deacon

      I am Peter Deacon. Ihave a great number of family members of Rothwell. My line came throgh Thomas D/Jane Shirtliffe. George wan my imdeiate line George 1,George2,George3,Colin, my grandfather, Gleason my dad and 6 membersof my family. Ont myself and my yountest sister left.
      If you ever would like to share you tree, I would love to have it.
      thanks, Peter Deacon

      December 9, 2014 at 1:36 pm

  2. Tanya W

    I am trying to discover who my great, great grandfather, James Rothwell’s parents are. James was born in Bunclody (Newtonbarry) around 1843 and lived in the Rothwell homestead. James left Ireland with Mary Fitzpatrick- (my great, great grandmother) and went to Ontario, Canada and were married there. Later they moved to the U.S. with their children (my great grandfather-John Joseph Rothwell was one of the children). James died in Chicago, IL in 1895.

    February 2, 2012 at 1:26 am


    February 15, 2012 at 2:00 am

    • Hi Margaret,

      My name is Kevin and I run this site for Ben.

      I have forwarded your comment to Ben and I am sure will deal with it.
      Please accept my apologies for the slight delay in the response but I have family visiting from the states.
      Kind Regards,

      February 21, 2012 at 3:27 pm

    • Thomas Rothwell

      Hi Margaret,

      The information printed in your note of 15th Feb in connection with two formerly owned Rothwell houses is only partially correct.

      Following the Rothwell departure, one came to be occupied by James Howell – and succeeded by the Myers family; the other by Samuel Howell and currently by the Deacon family.

      Both houses are within ‘stones throw’ situate in Barnahask, historically New Deer Park.

      I would be delighted to kow of any info. you may have regarding the names of either departing family.
      Yours in research,

      Tom Rothwell.

      March 7, 2012 at 2:21 pm

      • Hi Tom.

        Many thanks for commenting on Margaret’s comment and for the information that you have shared.

        My name is Kevin and I, when I am well enough, run this site for Ben. I have today approved your comment and copied it to Ben so that he is aware of it. But i did just want to thank you for sharing.

        Kind Regards,


        March 7, 2012 at 2:50 pm

      • Peter Deacon


        I have Rothwells in my family tree. I an Peter Deacon from Canada and my famil;y came throgh Thomas Deacon and Jane Shirtliffe. I would love ot chat with any Deacons that might be interested in family genealoogy.
        Peter Deaon

        December 9, 2014 at 1:41 pm

  4. Justin Poirier

    I’m researching the Percival family of County Wexford who intermarried with Rothwells or Rathwells (I’ve been told the 2 spellings are related), and after marrying moved to Canada – this seems to be a common theme shared with the other posters, and makes me wonder if all these Rothwells were closely related and encouraged one another to move this way! This was in the early 1800’s and they settled near Ottawa.
    One of the sources that indicate this Percival-Rathwell intermarriage is a book by Ben! (Unless there’s another Ben Rothwell researcher in Wexford). I’ve never seen this book but would be interested in obtaining a copy and hearing what Ben or the other commenters know about these Rothwells/Rathwells.
    Thanks, looking forward to sharing info!

    April 1, 2012 at 2:02 am

    • Hi Justin,

      My name is Kevin and I run this site for Ben.

      I have forwarded your comment to Ben and I am sure will deal with it.

      Please accept my apologies for the slight delay in the response and please understand if there is a slight delay in Ben getting in touch with you.

      Unfortunately I have been unwell of late and am still not great and thus I have not had the opportunity to meet up with Ben or do any further work on his publications or this site.

      But I have at least forwarded your comment to Ben and hopefully he can take it from there.

      Many thanks for getting in touch.

      Kind Regards,


      April 1, 2012 at 11:57 am

  5. William Paul Rothwell


    I am writing from the US and have been tracing my Rothwell family tree up to my 3rd great grandfather Andrew Radwell, born ~1772 in Killinick, County Wexford who married Mary Sparrow in 1804. I am interested in finding out if Ben or others have knowledge of the name of Andrew’s parents and associated relatives. The family surname changed to Rothwell and descendants of Andrew migrated to Ontario Canada, Savannah Georgia, and New Zealand. Andrew’s brother was Benjamin Rothwell, who married Patience Merriman and his descendants can be traced to Savannah Georgia and New Zealand. I have had the good fortune of connecting with a number of my previously unknown relatives.

    I am eager to find out about the availability of Ben’s book on the Rothwells and to understand if includes links and information pertaining to my side of the Rothwell family.

    Thank you,

    William Rothwell

    May 12, 2012 at 8:27 am

    • Hi William,

      Many thanks for getting in touch.

      My name is Kevin and I administer Ben’s site for him. I have this morning forwarded your comment to Ben and I would imagine that he will contact you directly by email in the near future.

      Once again many thanks for commenting.

      Kind Regards,


      May 12, 2012 at 8:52 am

  6. Brian Rothwell

    From extensive family research done by a relative of mine, Arnold Irvine, it is my understanding that my family roots in Ireland are from the Parish of Burrough in the district of Bunclody, Wexford County, Ireland. I descend from William Rathwell/Rothwell (1768-1854) and Susanna Morris (1770-1836) who traveled with their three children Mary Elizabeth Ann, William Thomas and Samuel to Drummond Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada in 1817 or 1819. I am trying to make some connection to any living relatives in Bunclody and wondering if Ben may be able to help. His book on the Rothwells would appear to be a great help.

    October 8, 2012 at 4:32 am

    • Hi Brian,

      My name is Kevin and I run Ben’s site for him.

      Sadly my computer died last week and I have been awaiting the delivery of a new one – hence the delay in my responding to your comment. Please accept my apology for this.

      I have just received my new laptop and thus have today emailed your comment to Ben who I am sure will respond to you shortly.

      Again my apologies for the delay.

      Kind Regards and God bless you.

      October 11, 2012 at 7:10 pm

  7. Patricia

    John Rothwell born 1887 Ballywilliamroe marriage to Phoebe Levingstone
    Marriage in 1922. I’m trying to confirm Phoebe’s father. Does Ben have this info.
    Many Thanks

    October 20, 2012 at 8:10 pm

    • Hi Patricia,

      Many thanks for getting in touch.

      My name is Kevin and I manage Ben’s site for him.

      I have this morning sent Ben the information that you provided and am sure that one of us will be in touch shortly.

      Kind Regards and God bless you.

      October 23, 2012 at 9:21 am

  8. Dick Power

    I don’t find any links in the Genealogy space. I’m a Power and visited with Ben last summer in Bunclody. I am very much looking forward to reading his work.

    February 21, 2013 at 7:45 pm

    • Hi Dick.

      Please accept my apologies for the lack of links on the Genealogy page. I spoke with Ben about his Genealogy book earlier this week and we are currently looking at editing it and then organizing a way of making it available.

      So apologies for the delay but please be assured that we are looking into it.
      Kind Regards,

      February 22, 2013 at 11:43 am

      • Dick Power

        Thanks, Kevin. I’ll be patient!

        May 12, 2013 at 10:15 pm

  9. Tom Rothwell, Redditch.

    Dear Rothwell/Rathwell/Radwell researchers, I am very delighted to draw to your attention the release, earlier this year of the long hoped for completion of the digitisation of the
    Newtownbarry Parish, Anglican Records.

    These records may now be viewed, FREE, here

    Click to access NTB_complete_to_1903.pdf

    All available records are included for Birth/Baptism, Marriage and Death
    from 1799 to 1903.

    With grateful thanks to the local volunteers, for the long hours of work
    entailed in this project. Tom Rothwell.

    March 29, 2013 at 8:00 am

  10. Anne Atkinson

    Hi.. I read bens history where he lives and while I am not related I am an Atkinson and I am related to the atkinsons that rented and then owned land . What I am trying to find out what was the first name of the Atkinson as both William pans Sam are mentioned and I am looking to see who Elizabeth Atkinson was married to .. First name as I believe this is where a split came in our family from Protestant to RC .. Can Ben help me please .. Thank you. Anne

    May 31, 2014 at 11:52 pm

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    resemblance of newest and previous technologies, it’s remarkable article.

    October 8, 2014 at 1:37 am

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