Author Archive

Ballyorril – A history of Ballyorril from 1628 – 2000 AD

We are delighted to be able to announce the publication of the newly revised version of Ben’s publication “Ballyorril”!

This is a history Ballyorril from the year 1628 to the year 2000AD and includes stories of how a king of England camped on Ballyorril Hill and how a friend and relative of Cromwell owned Ballyorril at one time.

Illustrated with maps, photographs and lists of all who are known to have owned it and lived there, this publication is an informative and interesting read for anyone who has an interest in Cromwell, kings of England and especially Enniscorthy in County Wexford, Ireland and of course Ballyorril itself.

The book “Ballyorril” can be read or downloaded by right or left clicking here or by visiting the Local History page of this site.

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

“What must I do to be saved?” is a question that has been asked by so many over the years and indeed is a question that I would suggest needs to be asked by each and every one of us.

In his publication “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” Bane carefully and compassionately tackles this question and provides relevant and important commentary to anyone considering this essential question.

To download a copy of this work in PDF format please click here or visit Ben’s Theology Page

Ben’s work “Creation or Evolution?” now published!

Having just finished editing Ben’s work “Creation or Evolution?” in which he looks at some of the mainstream arguments concerning this debate and considers the arguments put forward, I am delighted to be able to upload and publish this work.

This is now available to download in Pdf format either by clicking on the link below or by visiting this list of Ben’s other theological works on the Theology page.

Download “Creation or Evolution” here

Check out “What of The Hereafter”

Dealing with many questions concerning natural immortality, the state of the dead, what happens to the resurrected, and other important questions, Ben publishes this book for all those who have considered these issues.

Available for download in pdf format from the Theology Page this is an important and challenging document.

“The Prophecies of Daniel” Now Published!

Containing “A detailed account of approximately 90 events which a prophet in 605-535 BC foretold about world history up to the present day and into the future and how it is being fulfilled.” Ben Rothwell’s book “The Prophecies of Daniel” is now edited and published and available for download in pdf format.

Taking a look at the Prophecies of Daniel and comparing them alongside numerous other biblical and historical works, Ben shares his opinions and interpretations on these prophecies and how they have and are being fulfilled.

To download a copy of Ben’s book “The Prophecies of Daniel” please go to the the Theology page by clicking on that link in the top right hand corner of this site.

Many Thanks.

Hello world!

First and foremost I would like to say Hello and Thank you for visiting this site.

On this site you will find numerous publications that I have written in respect of …

The Scriptures and their teachings.

The Rothwell Family History and Genealogy.

The History of Ballyorril.

Navigating the site should be fairly easy and you will no doubt see navigation tabs to  my “Biography”, to “Genealogy” and to “Theology” in the top right hand corner of this page.

All of the publications currently available as well as information on those currently being written are listed on those pages.

Publications are currently available for download in both “Read Only” Word Format or in PDF format and you will find links to these publications on the relevant pages within this site.

So there you have it, that basically explains this site and how to use it.  I hope you find these publications both enjoyable and informative.

Oh and one last thing before I close…

I do of course welcome comments and also emails from those who are interested in my publications.

To leave a comment simply click on “leave a comment” at the end of this post.

To contact me please feel free to write to me at

To sign up to receive email notifications of any updates to this site please enter your email address and then click on the “Sign Me Up” button in the right hand column.

Many thanks.
